
Esguinces de tobillo

Las torceduras de tobillo son lesiones muy frecuentes, y no siempre son lesiones simples, dejando muchas de ellas, si no se tratan correctamente, molestias residuales.   Los esguinces de tobillo son lesiones comunes que afectan los ligamentos que rodean y conectan los huesos del tobillo. Los ligamentos son estructuras fuertes y flexibles que ayudan a … Read more

Regenerate yourself!

Traditionally, orthopaedic surgeons used surgery or immobilized injuries to restore only biomechanics, trusting that Mother Nature and luck would do the rest and, better or worse, the bone would heal or the tendon would heal over the metal or suture, or within the bone. But my old teachers have already taught me that healing cannot … Read more

Natural therapies for osteoarthritis.

Should your doctor prescribe natural therapies to avoid joint pain? Knee osteoarthritis remains a common degenerative condition among the adult and aging population for which effective treatment strategies are needed. As mild to moderate osteoarthritis becomes more and more prevalent in adults, the search for alternative treatments is of great interest. Currently, osteoarthritis is treated … Read more

New therapeutic advances for knee osteoarthritis

Twenty years ago, the words knee osteoarthritis meant putting up with knee pain until you couldn’t anymore, and then you were given a prosthesis. As prostheses lasted a relatively short time, they were reserved for the elderly, to avoid having to change the worn out prosthesis over time. In addition, there were hardly any therapeutic … Read more